Legal Studies – Paralegal (LSPAO)
Award: Associate in applied science degree
Program location: South Omaha Campus
This degree option prepares paralegals for entry-level employment in law-related occupations including public and private law practice or corporate/government activities related to law. It enables graduates to pursue further education at the college junior level.
Graduates are qualified to:
- perform basic legal research and supporting memoranda using both computerized and manual search methods;
- draft correspondence, pleadings, contracts, and other legal documents appropriately for attorney use; and
- prioritize and complete work assignments in a timely, professional, and ethical manner.
Although graduates are not authorized to provide direct legal services to the public, they are authorized to perform substantive legal work under the direct supervision of a lawyer. This program does not train lawyers or legal administrators.
This program has special admission requirements. Interested individuals should contact Student Services or the program director for details.
Graduation Requirements
General education
Major requirements
Option requirements
Total credit hours required
Paralegal Program Admission
The Paralegal program has special admission requirements. The application process includes the completion of both LAWS 1100 and LAWS 1101 with grades of C or better and the submission of the Paralegal Program Application with original high school transcripts or GED documentation. Students are notified as to their acceptance into the program.
Students are advised to work closely with the program advisor or program director to make sure that they are registered for classes at the most beneficial time for graduation from the program. Students should not complete all of their general education requirements before starting the Paralegal program.
Paralegal Program Application
Paralegal Program PowerPoint Presentation
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General education requirements (27.0 credit hrs.)
ENGL 1010 | English Composition IONLINEHYBRID | 4.5 |
ENGL 1020 | English Composition IIONLINEHYBRID | 4.5 |
Humanities/social sciences
Quantitative/numeracy skills
Legal administrative assistant degree option students should select MATH 1220 or higher. Pre-law or Paralegal degree option students should select MATH 1310.
INFO 1001 | Information Systems and LiteracyONLINEHYBRID | 4.5 |
HMRL 1010 | Human Relations SkillsONLINEHYBRID | 4.5 |
Major requirements for Legal Studies (40.5 credit hrs.)
Paralegal students should complete LAWS 1101 prior to taking LAWS 1110
Option requirements for Legal Studies – Paralegal (12.5 credit hrs.)
Elective requirements for Legal Studies – Paralegal (22.5 credit hrs.)
Select 22.5 credit hours from the following:
Legal-specialty courses taken at another college are transferred only if they are from an ABA-approved program with substantially the same content, are for the same or more earned credit hours, and earned a grade of C or better. Credit is not available by portfolio or written examination.
Students are required to take at least 18.0 quarter credit hours of legal specialty courses through traditional classroom (on-campus) instruction.
To request transfer of credit, students must request that original transcripts be submitted by the source college or university directly to the MCC Records Office. The Records Office staff will then refer any legal specialty courses to the Academic Dean and Director of the Paralegal Program for determination of acceptability for transfer. No more than 9.0 quarter credit hours of legal specialty credit may be by transfer.
The Paralegal option is approved by the American Bar Association.