Culinary Arts and Horticulture Studies Area
Chuck Chevalier, Dean of Culinary Arts and Horticulture, B.A., Nebraska Wesleyan University; M.S., University of Nebraska at Omaha; Ed.S., University of Nebraska Kearney; Ed.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Elizabeth Augustyn, Hospitality and Restaurant Leadership Instructor, B.S., University of Nebraska at Kearney; M.A., Bellevue University
Steve Bell, Culinary Arts and Management Instructor, A.O.S., Culinary Institute of America; B.A., Marist College
Kristina Engler, Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management Instructor, B.A., College of Saint Benedict; M.L.A., M.U.R.P., University of Minnesota; LEED BD+C
JoAnne Garvey, Culinary Arts and Management Instructor, A.A.S., Indiana Vocational Technical College; B.A., Calumet College of St. Joseph; C.E.C., American Culinary Federation
Janet Mar, Culinary Arts and Management Instructor, baking, pastry, sugar, and chocolate certificates, San Francisco Baking Institute; Ewald Notter Pastry School and the French Pastry School; A.A.S., Metropolitan Community College; B.S., Simmons College; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh; food science certificate, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Tim O’Donnell, Culinary Arts and Management Instructor, B.S., Johnson and Wales University; C.E.C., C.C.E., A.C.E., American Culinary Federation
Donna Rankin, Horticulture, Land Systems, and Management Instructor, B.S., M.S., Murray State University
Oystein Solberg, Culinary Arts and Management Instructor, Norwegian culinary diploma, Steinkjer VGS
Joellen Zuk, Hospitality and Restaurant Leadership Instructor, B.S., University of Nebraska at Omaha