CHEM 1120 Chemistry for the Health Sciences I
2.5 - 1.5 - 3.0
(3) Within two years prior to beginning the course, either successful completion of
MATH 0931 or
MATH 0960;
CHEM 1010,
CHEM 1211, or
CHEM 1212; and college-level reading, writing, and math proficiency - must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHEM 1120L - must be taken at the same time as this course.
Course Description
CHEM 1120 provides students pursuing a career in a health area fundamental knowledge of those areas of chemistry that relate to physiological principles. The topics covered include solutions; acids/bases/buffers; nuclear chemistry; equilibrium; and an introduction to organic chemistry. CHEM 1120 will be taught during the first part of the quarter to be followed immediately by CHEM 1130. Both CHEM 1120/1130 must be completed for transfer as a four-semester credit chemistry course for baccalaureate work. Students registering for this course must also register for CHEM 1120L, which is the laboratory component of the course.