BIOS 2150 Microbiology
5.0 - 3.0 - 6.0
class='sc-courselink' href='/2019-2020/course-catalog/courses/bios-biology/1000/bios-1010'>BIOS
1010 or
1111; and
reading, writing, and
proficiency - must be completed prior to taking this course.
BIOS 2150L - must be taken at the same time as this course.
RecommendedRecommended Prior
Courses in anatomy and physiology if required in program of study - recommended prior to taking this course, but not required.
Course Description
This course includes a study of the structure, physiology, ecology, and human health implications of microorganisms. Students registering for this course must also register for BIOS 2150L, which is the laboratory component of the course.