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Course Updates and/or Changes

While every possible step has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the catalog, sometimes minor changes must be made throughout the year that are in the interest of the students or the College. These are the course updates and changes made online after the publication of the 2014-2015 catalog.  



BIOS 1010L - Introduction to Biology Lab; prerequisite correction:
Prerequisite: None



BIOS 1310L - Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab; prerequisite correction:

Prerequisite: None



ENTR 2090 - Entrepreneurship Business Plan; prerequisite change:  

Prerequisite: ENTR 2040. INFO 1001 is recommended.



INFO 1023 - Networking Essentials; course description changed to read:
This course is the foundational networking course and prepares students for the advanced IT courses. The fundamentals of national and international networked communications including standards, data communications, local area networking, wide area networking, virtual computing, and wireless communications are covered. WAN technologies and hardware as well as emerging data network technologies, mobile, and nomadic computing are also covered.


INFO 2260 - Workplace Technologies; prerequisite clarification.  Former courses INFO 1210 plus INFO 1220 are the equivalent of current course INFO 1211.   Because of Ellucian restrictions this cannot be put into system as an equate so the former courses were added as prerequisites to allow students to self-register.  Prerequisite now reads: 

(1) INFO 1211; or both former courses INFO 1210 and INFO 1220